Greg Kirakosian Wins $9.8 Million Sexual Assault Case Against Now Fugitive Zafer Alpat

In a powerful court case, Natalie White emerged as a beacon of strength and resilience, seeking justice for the personal injury she endured as a result of a heinous sexual assault committed by Turkish actor Zafer Alpat (known for working with Kendrick Lamar and Morgan Freeman). Through her unwavering determination and the skillful advocacy of […]
The High Price of Negligence: Kelly Kaneko’s $6.8 Million Dog Bite Case

A Los Angeles jury has awarded a $6.8 million verdict to Kelly Kaneko, a brave woman who suffered a horrific dog attack while selflessly volunteering at a local animal shelter almost four years ago. The city of Los Angeles was held liable for its gross negligence due to its inadequate warning systems and poor safety […]
$21,000,000 Business Defamation Judgement: Ice-Cube, BIG3 Basketball League

What a privilege it was to work with Ice Cube and his BIG 3 Basketball league in their defamation lawsuit against the Champions League in which we were able to help them receive a judgement for $21,000,000 USD. Kirakosian Law and Greg Kirakosian represented Ice-Cube’s BIG3 Basketball league in a defamation action against the Champions […]
$7,000,000 Wage and Hour Class Action Settlement

Kirakosian Law and Greg Kirakosian were able to represent a large class of employees that were employed as “cold-call” sales representatives for a national real-estate firm. The claims included unpaid overtime wages, misclassification of employment status, and failure to provide meal and rest breaks for their employees. After litigating the matter and Federal Court for […]
$5,000,000 Catastrophic and Burn Injury Settlement

Greg Kirakosian of Kirakosian Law settled for $5,00,000 in a burn injury settlement. Representing an employee that was refueling a gas tanker that suddenly and unexpectedly exploded causing catastrophic burns on the Plaintiff’s body. After filing a lawsuit against the 3rd party, we discovered the Defendant had failed to properly maintain their tanker and had […]
$1,150,000 LAPD Wrongful Death Settlement

Another successful civil rights case against the City of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) as well as 13 S.W.A.T. police offers who used extreme excessive forceand simultaneously shot at an unarmed person. Anthony Soderberg was shot over 45 times from distances ranging from 100 – 600 feet away – including from […]
$475,000 Sexual Assault Settlement for woman attacked by landlord

This sexual assault happened in a place most people feel safe – their own home. Our client, the plaintiff, was renting a room when the property manager and landlord entered her unit and sexually assaulted her. After feeling extremely unsafe, feeling forced to move and falling into depression, the Plaintiff finally found the courage to […]