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Kirakosian Law represented a woman attacked and injured by a dog and managed to help be awarded a $600,000 settlement due to the dog bite. As she was leaving her home she was suddenly attacked by her neighbor’s Rottweiler who happened to break free from his enclosed space and attacked the our client the Plaintiff. Our client sustained cuts and bruises on her legs, rear, arm, and back.

Ultimately, our client fully recovered and was left with minor scarring on her back and arm. Despite the Defendants arguing that her injuries were minor and had healed, we refused the Defendants’ low-ball settlement offers, prepared the matter for trial, and ultimately resolved for $600,000.00.

How much is a dog bite actually worth?

Why is this important especially when thinking about dog bites? Think on this for a moment. If you were subjected to a dog bite of this intensity and someone said, “here’s $100,000 take it or leave it” – what would you say? $100,000 would seem like a fair offer. But when you take into account the long-term damage, nerve damage, the psychological damage, the time-off, the emotional impact, the permanent reminder through scarring and much more – the number starts to seem a little bit smaller and smaller.

The truth is that not all dog bites are the same. Animal attacks aren’t as common as car accidents for example. But if you look at the CDC’s stat stating that nearly 4 and a half million dog bite attacks happen every year and and 800,000 of those attacks require medical attention you may think they happen more often than you thought of! US population is estimated at around 331,449,281 by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2020.

That means that 1 in 73.5 people are victims of dog bite attacks. 73 people is what’d you see in a movie theatre opening night. Does that mean that 1 in 73 people get settlements? No. Or 1 in 400 who seek medical care? No. Even so, more people don’t seek settlements for dog bites than you’d imagine. How much is a phone call to a lawyer that personalizes in personal injury, like Kirakosian Law, cost? Nothing. The consultation is free.

Why should I consult with a personal injury lawyer with a dog bite attack?

Just like with car accidents, injuries aren’t always made manifest immediately. Most urgent care facilities will focus on your immediate recovery but will not often focus on long-term care. Meaning that you may heal quickly, you may even get back to normal life in a few days – but the physical, emotional and mental consequences aren’t always fully taken into account. We’ve known people that have been otherwise healthy after a dog bite attack but that could no longer go to parks or public areas where dogs frequent. We’ve known people who have been injured today, healed in a few days and months later have succumbed to undiagnosed injuries from that very same event.

Don’t deny yourself your basic rights after suffering a personal injury by way of a dog bite or anything similar and talk to a lawyer who focuses on personal injury related to dog bites. So why should you consult with a lawyer after a dog bite attack? Because you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. The consultation is free, the experience of a lawyer who personalizes in personal injury, like Greg Kirakosian, will shed light on your situation and the consequences of your dog bite injury may not always be visible immediately.

What to do after a dog bite attack?

First and foremost, get information from the person if possible or have someone you know do it. Your well-being is always a priority so as soon as your able – go to urgent care. Take care of your medical needs first no matter how small the bite is. Anything from infection to rabies is a possibility so there is definitely a matter of urgency when a bite happens. After you have done these two things, talk to a lawyer. And keep reminding yourself, the consequences of a dog bite injury are not always made manifest from the onset. You didn’t ask to be bitten and you didn’t go out of your way to be bitten. You simply were at the wrong place and the wrong time and, many times, a victim to someone else’s negligence.

Dog bites are no joke. Talk to a professional who focuses on personal injury and has experience with dog bite cases.