Greg Kirakosian Wins $9.8 Million Sexual Assault Case Against Now Fugitive Zafer Alpat


In a powerful court case, Natalie White emerged as a beacon of strength and resilience, seeking justice for the personal injury she endured as a result of a heinous sexual assault committed by Turkish actor Zafer Alpat (known for working with Kendrick Lamar and Morgan Freeman).  Through her unwavering determination and the skillful advocacy of […]

Victim of Sexual Harassment at Your Workplace? You Have Options.

Victim of Sexual Harassment at Your Workplace? You Have Options.

Reports show that there has been a steady increase in sexual harassment cases in the United States. 45% of women claim to have sexually assaulted or harassed in the workplace whereas 14% of men have come forward to accept the same. Taking advantage of someone who is need of job by a superior is not […]

$475,000 Sexual Assault Settlement for woman attacked by landlord

$475,000 Sexual Assault Settlement for woman attacked by landlord

This sexual assault happened in a place most people feel safe – their own home. Our client, the plaintiff, was renting a room when the property manager and landlord entered her unit and sexually assaulted her. After feeling extremely unsafe, feeling forced to move and falling into depression, the Plaintiff finally found the courage to […]