Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

When family members aren’t able to stay home to care for a loved one who is no longer able to care for themselves, it’s a scary time for everyone involved. The decision to leave an elderly loved one in a strange and new environment is never easy. Aside from being apart from our loved ones, […]
Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Attacking Neglect and Abuse

In a traditional nursing home setting the residents consider themselves weak and intimidated. This is especially when they encounter an unwanted behavior from the staff. Now you may wonder the factor responsible for this approach. Well, the answer is, since these residents feel weak as well as intimidated from the staff, the latter in turn […]
Should Nursing Homes Get Immunity from Malpractice?

An issue of grave concern! The US nursing home deaths are rising, which is raising the total death toll to beyond what one could imagine. With so many deaths due to Coronavirus, nursing homes are in its grip too, which are raising grave concerns nationwide. Nursing homes are now demanding to get immunity from malpractice […]
Recognize the Signs of Elder Abuse

Signs of elder abuse can be subtle to the eye but have devastating consequences for your loved one. There are several different categories and signs of elder abuse; learning about them can help you spot the signs and step in right away Spotting unexplained bruises or injuries, listening to your loved one’s concerns and making […]